Sunday, September 12, 2010

I think he looks like me... Brandon thinks Cohen looks like him. Hmmm....

Morning Stroll

Cohen and I have been going for walks in the morning with the dogs. He prefers to close his eyes and hope that the crazy dogs don't flip his stroller. (There have been many close calls)

Labor Day with the Cousins

For Labor Day, we took a bikeride with Brandon's family. Jeremy was kind enough to pull Cohen and Parker, and eventually Lola. Cohen had a blast and I have to say this is one of my favorite days from this summer. I couldn't get over how cute the two of them looked playing with toys in the Burley.

After the bike ride, we went back to Grandma's where the boys had fun playing together. I think Cohen thought he was one of the big boys:)

Underage Driver

A scary glimpse into the future. He loves to sit in the driver seat. Keys removed of course.

Playtime Pictures

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day

We were going to go up North for Labor Day, but due to a very poor weather forecast decided to hang in the city. We took Cohen to whatever camp snoopy is now. Not as cute for sure, but I still think he enjoyed himself. (although this picture isn't too convincing).