Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fall Pics

Its been a while since I have updated this site with new pictures, mostly because we built a house over the summer and it pretty much consumed my life. But well worth it. Anyway, We went to a family farm in Delano yesterday with my sister in law and her boys and had a blast. Cohen loved all the animals, hay ride and hanging out with his cousins.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Naps with Natalie

Now he's taking naps with Natalie and still not me!

This was the second time Cohen feel asleep next to Bryce, but this time the nap was for 3 hours. I can't believe how big he looks in this picture.

Fun with Lola

Cohen is now getting to a stage where he thinks the dogs are pretty hilarious. On a long car ride home from Nisswa, he got creative in making his own entertainment.

Reading Stories with Great Grandpa

Starting His Christmas Wish List Early

Swinging at the Park

The park is so much more fun this year now that Cohen can walk. This is our favorite part because we can swing together:)

Angel Face

I just love this picture. Cohen took a two hour nap with Bryce on the couch. This has never happened to me and it has happened to him twice!

The New Way to Grocery Shop

This would be one of those not so glamorous moments in being a mom, but I couldn't resist. He loved it as I felt like I was pushing a bus through the store and apologizing to the 20 people we hit along the way.

Playing with Daddy

Swimming at the Community Center

This was taken back in March ( I have been a bit behind since being sick the whole month of March and now moving) Cohen loves to swim and had a blast at the Maple Grove community pool. I should note that this is where I got the stomach flu and we will never be back. At least I will never be back. But he had a great time:)

Friday, February 25, 2011

MN Zoo

I think it is worth noting that Cohen was growling at the bear in front of all the other children and mothers. So proud.

This is what happens when you go to Costco during nap time.

More Light Switch Obsession

A New Use for the Train Table

We bought Cohen a train table for Christmas. His favorite use for it is not to play, but to use as a giant step to the ever entertaining light switch.

1 yr pics. More to come...

We had another batch of fabulous pictures from Meghan Doll.

Story Time with Dad

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

He's Got Moves...Who Knew?

This was much better in person, but Cohen started dancing this week. He's got great moves. I think he could go pretty far with this.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Not quite tall enough! It's scary to think that he will be tall enough some day to reach the water. I want to keep him small:)

Bedtime Stories

Thomas the Train is currently our favorite book. I think we read it three times tonight:)

Lately Cohen has enjoyed teasing Lola with the bath squeakers. So, I thought I should get it on video. But by the time I got the camera out, the game had gone too far. Poor guy. Such a sad face.

Hide and Seek

Monday, January 24, 2011

Sneaking Coffee

Cohen didn't know I was behind him in this video, but I caught him trying to get the last drops of my coffee.

The Next American Idol

MOA with the great grandparents

So while my parents are in India, my grandparents came to stay with Bryce and Natalie. This was great because Cohen got to spend a lot of time with his great grandparents before they went south for the rest of winter. Here they are taking a walk through Nickelodeon Land. (Is that even what its called?? I just know I miss camp snoopy)

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Child is Walking

One More Party...

On Saturday night, some of my girlfriends wanted to have a party for Cohen. So fun. Thanks guys!

Possible arranged marriage?

Again, very little interest in sweets...

Some of the group.

Visit to the Zoo

On Cohen's birthday, we took him to the Minnesota zoo along with Natalie and Brandon's mom Luci. He loved it. I think his favorite part was the coral reef. However, Brandon may have diminished the thrill a bit by constantly sanitizing his hands.

Totally out after a big day at the zoo.

Cohen's First Birthday-Family Party

On the day before Cohen's birthday we had a little family party to celebrate with family and Brandon's.
Cohen is starting to get the hang of opening presents. He got a lot of nice things from his family. Thanks guys!

This is about all that happened in the classic "child has first birthday cake and gets it all over himself." The kid does not like sweets. I can tell you for certain that this trait does not come from his mother. Maybe all the healthy homemade baby food is paying off? I'm sure like most things, this will be a short phase.

Decorations. Animal Parade theme.

I put up pictures of his first 12 months. So crazy how fast it goes.