Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Seat

Putting Cohen in his new car seat was so fun. I think he enjoyed having more space.

Cohen Gets a Car for Christmas

He loves his Power Wheels.

Christmas Day

Christmas Day we headed back from East Gull Lake straight to Brandon's Parents for the rest of the day.
Cousins Pic
Grandparents pic

Family Pic

Christmas Morning

Helping great grandma with the dishes.

Watching Yo Gabba Gabba with Papa. I can honestly say I've never seen the show so I'm not sure what he's watching...

Opening his stocking from Santa!

Christmas Eve

Brandon and I got a train/lego table for Cohen. I think he's a bit little for it since he's favorite thing to do is throw the train on the ground and laugh. But the idea is that he would grow into it.

Loved opening gifts.

Fun with Kate and Carly:)

1st Christmas

This picture pretty much sums up Cohen's first Christmas: tons of excitement. (Maybe a little too much)

Friday, December 3, 2010



First Haircut

Cohen had his first haircut this week. It was bittersweet because he looks great thanks to my good friend Christina:) but this means he's also growing up so fast. He did great although we had to give him various items too keep him interested and still. Very unusual for him:)

Hollidazzle and Macy's 8th floor

Last Sunday my grandparents were in town, so we took everyone to the Hollidazzle and Macy's 8th floor "Life of an Elf." Cohen loved all it and was even pleasant well after 9pm!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Nap gone bad

Most days, most naps go fine. But Cohen has been feeling a bit under the weather and having a hard time going down during the day. Thus, the glossy cheeks from crying. I think it is also worth noting that he did have socks and pants on.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Sleepy Test

If we're ever wondering if Cohen needs a nap, we'll hand him his blanket. If he's sleepy, then he'll put his thumb in his mouth with the corner of the blanket up by his nose and lay on the floor. Very cute.

First Tooth!!!

A rare glimpse at Cohen's first tooth! As you can see, he is very reluctant to show people.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Long Day of Playing with the Cousins

Conversations with Papa

Creative Reach

Not exactly what Brandon bought the Buzz Light year space scooter for...

Morning Strolls

Pretty much every morning Cohen, the dogs and I take a walk early in the morning. It has been getting a bit chilly in the early morning hours, but that is the only time we can go to avoid complete humiliation by the dogs. Then tend to loose it when they encounter another "friend." Luckily for Cohen, his mom bought him a nice bundle me for his stroller. Doesn't he look cozy:)

Apple Orchard

We took Cohen to the apple orchard in Minnetonka. He went on a tractor ride, went through the corn maze and even tasted some apple cider which he accidentally knocked over on his mother. Overall, we had a wonderful time

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

New Hat

Cohen and I went hunting for a new winter hat yesterday and came back with this one. He is modeling REI's Baby bomber in grey stripe. (It is much cuter in person)

Bryce took Cohen swimming and played a little basketball at my mom's. Apparently it was the funniest shot he'd ever seen.

Fall Outings

Brandon and Cohen enjoying a Fall walk.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

I think he looks like me... Brandon thinks Cohen looks like him. Hmmm....

Morning Stroll

Cohen and I have been going for walks in the morning with the dogs. He prefers to close his eyes and hope that the crazy dogs don't flip his stroller. (There have been many close calls)

Labor Day with the Cousins

For Labor Day, we took a bikeride with Brandon's family. Jeremy was kind enough to pull Cohen and Parker, and eventually Lola. Cohen had a blast and I have to say this is one of my favorite days from this summer. I couldn't get over how cute the two of them looked playing with toys in the Burley.

After the bike ride, we went back to Grandma's where the boys had fun playing together. I think Cohen thought he was one of the big boys:)

Underage Driver

A scary glimpse into the future. He loves to sit in the driver seat. Keys removed of course.

Playtime Pictures

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day

We were going to go up North for Labor Day, but due to a very poor weather forecast decided to hang in the city. We took Cohen to whatever camp snoopy is now. Not as cute for sure, but I still think he enjoyed himself. (although this picture isn't too convincing).

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Science Museum

This past Monday, we took Cohen to see the Dead Sea Scrolls at the Minnesota Science Museum. They give you these audio controls at the beginning of the exhibit. Then as you go through you can listen to information on the different pieces in either an adult or children's voice. This video is of Cohen listening to the children's version. I'm pretty sure he thought they were talking to him.


Thursday, August 5, 2010


Funny Ice Cream

First Life Jacket

We wanted to take Cohen on his first boat ride while we were in Nisswa, but he needed to be safe. So, out came the life jacket. The cooperation in the photo above was short lived. I can't blame him. Would you want that on you?